Thursday, May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips and Will Smith

American Idol had its finale this week with a bunch memorable performances. Fantasia Burnio came back to idol to preform with 3rd place contestant Joshua, and lets just say fantasia wasn't really looking her best. Jennifer Holiday performed with finalist Jessica and turned out some very interesting facial expressions. In the end, it was Phillip taking the title of the new american idol over runner up jessica. 

(American Idol Winner, Phillip Phillips)

Will Smith may be facing a legal battle agianst the man he smacked in the face during a red carpet event promoting Smith's new film Men in Black III in which the man trying to kiss Smith on the lips, Smith then pushed the Man away And slaped him in the face. Its now rumoured that the man that got slaped is taking legal action but really? he deserved it, its called personal space dude. Men in Black III comes out this Friday. 

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